About Us
Test.me is run by Preventx, the largest provider of remote sexual health testing in the UK.
Through our innovative digital tech and expert laboratories, we make sure sexual health is a convenient, reliable, and normal part of looking after your health.
Our mission is to empower people to take control of their health and wellness, through easy to access and cutting-edge digital healthcare services.
Proudly Made in Sheffield in 2008, we are a trusted adviser and partner to over 60 local authorities and NHS trusts across the UK, and through Sexual Health London, we partner with the NHS to run the largest publicly funded remote testing programme anywhere in the world.

With our own integrated, purpose-built laboratory that operates to international standards, Preventx offers high-quality sexual health tests with quick, reliable results.
Preventx is the only digital sexual health service with its own ISO 15189-accredited laboratory services in-house providing services to NHS sexual health services. The Preventx laboratory is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service to international ISO standards and adheres to strict quality system requirements. While the test.me test kit are analysed in the same laboratory, they fall outside of the UKAS accreditation because the laboratory results are released direct to you, and do not go through an NHS clinical service.

Our dispatch team creates a kit just for you. It will arrive through your letterbox in discreet packaging with Royal Mail, usually in 24-48 hours.
Our system is secure, private, and confidential.
Preventx hosts all its services within a highly secure hosting environment on Microsoft’s Azure platform. This environment has been specifically developed to standards designed to comply with the UK OFFICIAL and UK NHS frameworks. Preventx is also Cyber Essentials certified – this is a Government-backed scheme to help businesses ensure their cyber security measures are secure against potential attackers.

Test.me is provided by Preventx, which is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (1-6150510784). The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. They monitor, inspect and rate services to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.

See how Preventx is empowering people to take control of their health and wellness
SH.UK is a sexual health service that provides free and easy access to home sexual health testing. In partnership with the NHS, the service provides testing for a range of sexually transmitted infections using samples you can collect at home.
SHL.UK is a discreet sexual health service for Londoners. Delivered in partnership between Preventx and the NHS, this STI testing service is for people who have mild or no STI symptoms, and would like to get themselves checked.
If you are a professional wanting to know more about Preventx, visit our website to find out how we are working to empower people to take control of their health and wellness, through easy to access and cutting-edge digital healthcare services.